Declaration For Action
Mobilizing God’s People to Care for God’s Creation
A Declaration for Action by Delegates of the 2nd International Conference on God & Creation
March 11, 2006, Brackenhurst International Conference Center, Tigoni, Kenya
As leaders and members of the evangelical church body in East Africa, representing a wide range of denominations and ministries, we stand together in agreement with the following declaration:
We believe in one God, the Creator, Owner, and Sustainer of all things, and we uphold the truth that His creation serves as a dynamic testimony of His power, wisdom, and glory.
As followers of Christ, we believe that God calls us to be good stewards of His creation. We embrace the truth that caring for creation brings glory to God, and that it serves as a practical expression of our love and concern for both current and future generations.
Upon reflection at this conference, we believe the environmental crisis emerging in East Africa poses a critical threat to our future. The creation is suffering as a result of deforestation, the degradation of agricultural and pastoral lands, pollution, the loss of biodiversity, and the greed of man. This is undermining the well-being of our communities and is leading to the impoverishment of our people.
We confess that the church has responded poorly to this issue. Our failure in promoting and exercising proper stewardship over the creation has undermined our witness for Christ, and we hereby declare that we repent of our sin and negligence in this matter.
Acknowledging that the Author of our salvation is also the Author of all creation (Jn 1:1-3 and Col 1:16), we also declare that, more than any other group of people, it is believers committed to sharing the love and truth of Christ who should take the lead in responding to this crisis. We believe that awakening the church to action is our most promising hope in the spiritual and physical battle against environmental degradation in the 21st century.
We therefore appeal to all church and denominational leaders to recognize the gravity of the situation and to begin developing God-centered strategies to educate, disciple, and mobilize the entire church to action. Our prayer is that God will initiate a powerful movement which will sweep across Africa and have an impact worldwide.
As we join together in a spirit of humility and repentance, and begin taking the necessary action, we have reason for great hope! According to II Chronicles 7:14 this is the essential first step we must take if God is to bring healing to our land.
“If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”