Reflections on the “Our Father’s World” seminar

“This was easily one of the best seminars Care of Creation has done,”

said Director Ed Brown, as the breadsticks arrived to the table.  Olive Garden is our designated debriefing location, and over potato soup and chilled salad, we celebrated and critiqued the Our Father’s World seminar we gave on Oct. 11th and 12th, 2013.  Blackhawk Church provided the space and coffee for the seminar, and encouraged church members to attend.  We love partnering with churches (we can present at your church, too–find out more info here).
A few weeks before the Care of Creation seminar, Dr. Douglas Moo from Wheaton College gave the Sunday message at Blackhawk Church on “The Drama of Creation,” highlighting the effects of sin on God’s creation, and the role of humanity in acting on the hope we have in the renewal of all things (watch the sermon here!).  The stage was set perfectly, so that those who listened to Dr. Moo’s sermon and hungered for more information could attend Care of Creation’s seminar to learn more about how to steward creation and honor God tangibly in their lives.

Ed Brown reading

Director Ed Brown explaining the “perfect storm” of environmental issues.

We devoted five hours to covering questions such as, “Why did God make this place, and what went wrong?”, “What does it mean to have dominion?”, and “How should we then live?”.  Ed went in-depth into the problem of global environmental issues, while Brittany spent time focusing on what is happening in our own backyard of Wisconsin.  Conversations continued for another hour after the seminar ended, which encouraged us that people were really digging into what they had learned.

Overall, we concluded that we did a great job!  A number of people gave us helpful comments, and we are excited to continue making our presentations insightful, engaging, and theologically relevant.  Here’s what people were saying:

“I’m so glad that there has begun to be a stronger movement in the church towards environmental stewardship! Keep up the good work!”

“informative, compelling, entertaining, all without losing sight of the Gospel”

“I think it really is so important to include the sense of place in this topic and am glad you include it. This presentation was also very well done.”


Join us in Wheaton, Illinois for the Our Father’s World seminar Nov. 22nd and 23rd!  Register Here.  Listen to the audio recording of the seminar held at Blackhawk Church Here!


Our Father's World Blackhawk

About 70 people joined us at Blackhawk Church for the Our Father’s World seminar.